Investment Management to the SDG 360 Fund.
SDG 360 Fund Management will do 3 primary things:-
Support the Fund-raise for the £210 pre-commitment to the SDG 360 Game-changer Fund
Work with Transform Global (its parent) and key placement agents and banks to raise the target £9 Billion SDG 360 Game-changer Fund.
Act as General Partner to make and manage the SDG 360 Game-changer Fund investments.
In addition, SDG 360 Fund Management will work with Transform Global to fund-raise for - and to support the success and impact of any
SDG 360 Game-changer Fund investments.
The SDG 360 Fund Management Operational Plan
As of Q3/Q4 of 2020, Transform Global is raising £2.5m to be followed by a further £12.5m in launch capital. An allocation from this will be used to cover set up costs and senior team recruitment for SDG 360 Fund management.
Then, when the credible team is in place and embedded, and the fund is formally structured and regulated appropriately, the team will take part in the full fundraise for the SDG 360 Game-changer Fund.
The first part of which will be a £300m combined investment - with £210m to be raised as a pre-commitment to the SDG 360 Game-changer Fund, and £90m will be in additional equity for Transform Global Ltd. From the £90m in equity, £20m will be allocated to cover further set up costs, and to recruit and pay for additional SDG 360 Fund management talent - for the circa 8 - 18 months that will be needed to raise the fund.
The £210m in pre-commitment, raised at a discount to the £9Billion fund, and only payable on success, will be used to pay fees to placement agents and banks, and a modest bonus to the SDG 360 fund management team. After success fees and expenses, the net size of the fund will be £9 Billion.
For acting as General Partner to the £9 Billion SDG 360 Game-changer fund - SDG Fund Management will share the 2% in management fees equally with Transform Global Ltd. Transform Global will supply supportive infrastructure, facilities, corporate finance, marketing and brand support.
The Transform Global Trust will oversee governance and oversight - leaving the circa 450 people that will be employed by SDG 360 Fund management (within 3 years of launch) free to make and manage fund investments.
FundingTheGlobalGoals.TV will raise awareness and help find and showcase fund investments and also will showcase and support SDG 360 Fund Investments on its platform thus enabling BIGCrowd subscribers to collaborate where appropriate - to deliver maximum impact.
More on this impact private equity vehicle, which is designed to list within a few years of launch - can be found here.