Media To Move Money For a Better World
The vision is for a news site and YouTube / TV channel - dedicated to everything financial and systemic to do with filling the multi-trillion in funding gaps necessary and needed urgently to tackle the SDGs.
A number of exciting content formats have been devised and amazing guest presenters, co-hosts and subjects are being lined up. It’s super exciting, meaningful - and very timely.
FundingTheGlobalGoals.TV is about creating a world worth living in. One where finance in all of its forms, if deployed intelligently, can be a major route to achieving that lofty aim.
A key goal is that those with powerful and positive ideas and proposals, and those who are already working to best channel the worlds financial,
human and natural resources can be found and that their ideas, proposals and activities can be fairly evaluated and showcased.
Then if worthy, the goal is to connect them to an ideal audience so they have the best chance of finding the funding, support and talent these important initiatives, companies, social ventures, infrastructure projects, policy ideas and not for profits need to succeed.
Through differing media formats and social media channels we will be listening to ideas on, discussing, debating and explaining - how to widen ‘access to capital and ‘capacity building bottlenecks’ and how to fill truly important ‘funding gaps’. Especially those which stifle innovation and restrict how the most critical SDG issues are tackled worldwide.
This dedicated channel, site and multi-dimensional marketing and audience development campaign, prioritising audience interaction and transparency, is to be a dynamic and entertaining resource for a variety of stakeholders.
It will support investors, donors, philanthropists, institutions, impact investors, policy makers, impact and fintech entrepreneurs - and all those interested in or involved with the funding of the Global Goals. At its core - this is media all about finance for a better world.
While we know what is good and bad can be subjective - it’s critical to use every tool possible to understand the economic landscape and every incentive and mechanism to move capital away from those that fund activity which is socially useless and clearly harmful to people and planet - and move capital towards things that can do the most good.
From a strategic standpoint, FundingTheGlobalGoals.tv has the potential to act as an incredible trojan horse - giving access to the highest levels of business, finance, academia and government. Key players can be fairly questioned and appropriately scrutinised on what they are, or what are not, doing to help fund the Global Goals.
Content and Four Primary Formats

Focus and Target Audience
Through differing media formats and social media channels, we will be listening to ideas on, discussing, debating and explaining - how to widen ‘access to capital and ‘capacity building bottlenecks’ and how to fill truly important ‘funding gaps’. Especially those which stifle innovation and restrict how the most critical SDG issues are tackled worldwide.
This dedicated channel, site and multi-dimensional marketing and audience development campaign, prioritising audience interaction and transparency, is to be a dynamic and entertaining resource for a variety of stakeholders.
It will support investors, donors, philanthropists, institutions, impact investors, policymakers, impact and fintech entrepreneurs - and all those interested in or involved with the funding of the Global Goals. At its core - this is media all about finance for a better world.
While we know what is good and bad can be subjective - it’s critical to use every tool possible to understand the economic landscape and every incentive and mechanism to move capital away from those that fund activity which is socially useless and clearly harmful to people and planet - and move capital towards things that can do the most good.
From a strategic standpoint, FundingTheGlobalGoals.tv has the potential to act as an incredible trojan horse - giving access to the highest levels of business, finance, academia and government. Key players can be fairly questioned and appropriately scrutinised on what they are, or what they are not, doing to help fund the Global Goals.
The Plan - and Relevance to Transform Global
Acting as cornerstone sponsors Transform Global will also get to showcase its model and also have its own thought leadership scrutinised, discussed and appropriately promoted.
Being transparent about our motivates presents a remarkable opportunity to appeal to an audience who care equally about driving positive and systemic change in finance, and one of sufficient critical mass that the very innovations discussed - might actually be brought about.
This multi-format media content and site will be funded initially by the equity investment being raised - and then through subscription and aligned sponsorship revenue. The expansion will be supported with donor and grant funding, funding more and better content and more locations.
The TV format promises to fuse together an already significant network. Transform Global Media will also run many small and large virtual and live events to create content and pull together key stakeholders so that relationships can be built upon and truly important deals made. We will also work to report on and publicise other event providers to do the same.
As subsidiaries of Transform Global Media, FundingTheGlobalGoals.TV and BIGCrowd will deliver content, capacity and strategic communications for Transform Global.
Transform Global Media is being set up as a subsidiary of Transform Global so that complementary media and collaboration activity sits together organisationally. This way, capital can be independently raised in the future for the media ventures, talent can be recruited and incentivised, and whilst having a clear link to the parent, demarcation between media and any regulated activity is optimised for governance purposes.